Lighthouse Arts Newcastle

I got an artist residency at Lighthouse Arts Newcastle for the month of November 2023. It involved being able to attend and use one of the studios at Nobbys Head lighthouse for a four week block to work on some small, desk-based paintings.

As soon as I found out I had the residency, I visited the lighthouse one weekend, the only time it is otherwise open the public. I knew straight away what I wanted to paint. The desolation of the place, the light, it speaks to you. I knew the title almost immediately as “ Capturing Light ; the view from here “.

I have since applied for a second residency in 2024 to finish the works.

Jacque Cook

My name is Jacqueline Cook and I am an artist currently working on worimi country in Port Stephens NSW Australia. My website focusses on wearable art which are also smallish pieces I can post. My larger artworks I sell at my local market and from my home studio. See the Happenings page for upcoming markets, events and exhibitions.

van gogh alive