van gogh alive

I heard a few artists were cynical about the van gogh alive exhibition. I personally was so excited and couldn’t wait to get there. To celebrate the life and work of an artist that deserved to be celebrated. But I am biased. Vincent Van Gogh is my favourite artist.

If you truly new the story of Vincent’s life and his struggle, you wouldn’t scoff at a touring exhibition like van gogh alive and the celebration of such an artist’s work. Everyone knows the story that Vincent didn’t sell one piece of artwork in his lifetime but there is so much more. His relationship with his brother Theo and his relationship with the townspeople with whom he lived. And of course his “ madness “.

Apart from a few naive tourists taking selfies inside the installation in the foyer of the tent of Vincent’s “ Room in Arles “ which seemed to be in bad taste, the whole experience was incredibly moving. From the moment you entered the exhibition, a hushed reverence filled the room despite their being lots of people. We all shuffled through silently under an installation of Vincent’s “ Starry Night “.

Finding a place in the corner with my husband who is also an artist to take in the exhibition. The walls and ceiling are filled with light and colour and projections of Vincent’s work. The whole experience is incredibly moving. And the ending is brutal, as Vincent’s life was. An incredibly moving experience.

Jacque Cook

My name is Jacqueline Cook and I am an artist currently working on worimi country in Port Stephens NSW Australia. My website focusses on wearable art which are also smallish pieces I can post. My larger artworks I sell at my local market and from my home studio. See the Happenings page for upcoming markets, events and exhibitions.

The art of knitting and crochet


Lighthouse Arts Newcastle